202 – Outrageous Outrage

This week the knuckleheads are on location at Cream & Crumb in Ypsilanti, MI. They are talking about the "outrage" culture within which we find ourselves.  What's Mike been reading? Helios (https://www.amazon.com/Helios-Cerberus-Group-Book-2-ebook/dp/B0753GQHP7/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1536253246&sr=8-1&keywords=helios+cerberus+series) What's Dan been reading? Learning to Speak God from Scratch (https://www.amazon.com/Learning-Speak-God-Scratch-Vanishing-ebook/dp/B01N5IYAAC/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1536253330&sr=1-1&keywords=speaking+god+from+scratch) ...
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The Rev: Let Them Tell Their Story

The Rev: Let Them Tell Their Story

There is just something about stories right? We all love them. Telling a story and having people "get it" is one of the best feelings in the world. Stories are central to human communication. It's not surprising then that the Bible talks about the importance of story telling. In Psalm 107 it's even a command. The Rev wrote on this a bit over at his blog, go check it out: Let Them Tell Their Story  ...
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The Rev: Why You Matter

The Rev: Why You Matter

Recently, The Rev spent the week at the local middle school working with kids to help them understand that they matter. The middle school had experienced three suicides in the last 18 months. Some teachers decided it was time to remind these kids that they matter. Here are some thoughts from The Rev on his week... http://danielmrose.com/2018/04/17/why-you-matter/...
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Welcome to the Idol Factory

Welcome to the Idol Factory

“…this is American Idol!” The music is bumping and the lights are shining. The singers take the stage and belt out an amazing performance. The crowd is screaming and clapping. “…and now our next President!” The music is bumping and the lights are shining. The politician takes the stage and the crowd is screaming and clapping. “…your 2018 Sports Team!” The music is bumping and the lights are shining. The team takes the stage and the crowd is screaming and clapping. As I read through the Bible it continues to strike me that the people of God are easily attracted to idols. Every other page, it seems, there they go worshiping the Baals and the Asherah poles. It’s a never ending cycle. Round and round they go. For a moment they are worshiping the God who saved them from oppression and slavery only to find themselves drawn again to the Baals and Asherah poles. I think that we often look at these stories with disbelief. We think...
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You’re Enough

You’re Enough

I opened up my Twitter one day and saw the critique of white pastors, “You speak privately, but not publicly.” I opened up my Twitter one day and saw the critique of men, “I’m disappointed in the men who said nice things about your moms, wives, and daughters because that wasn’t the point of International Women’s Day.” I opened up my Twitter one day and saw the critique of evangelicals, “You don’t challenge the Christians who are doing horrible things loud enough.” I opened up my Twitter one day and saw the critique… Some of us seek to speak for the oppressed and the marginalized. We are coming to recognize what is obvious to everyone around us, that we have tremendous power. As a result, there is a need to leverage that power for those whom we have set aside and created a system to oppress. Many of us, don’t want kudos. We don’t need an “atta boy” for doing things that are right and...
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It’s Not About Me

It’s Not About Me

Do you think that revolutionary moments in our thoughts happen like a lightning strike or like the turning of the Titanic? I don’t know for sure but I think the answer might be, “yes.” I remember hearing an interview with someone who was an “over night success.” This person said that they hated that phrase because their success was built on years of work. Yet, to the watching world it appeared as though they came out of “nowhere.” I recently had one of those moments about Jesus. Yes, a pastor can still have revolutionary realizations about Jesus. I think of myself as someone who thinks well and thinks with theological clarity. Yet, this past year has been a time of wandering and wondering for me. I have had many questions that I was struggling to find answers for. In particular, I was struggling with the reality that my faithfulness was, in some dark moments, less than ideal. Was I still a Christian...
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