The Death of the Statesperson

The Death of the Statesperson

In this week's episode Dan and Mike discuss the after math of the conversation about whether or not there are statespersons left. Can we even get them back? Also, here's the link to the shopping list for our White Elephant party on December 18! ...
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210: Rest, Yeah Right

In this week's edition of the Simple Theologian podcast we discuss, "Sabbath." It's a fancy word for taking the day off. Mike doesn't like to do that and Dan helps him see the error of his ways. ...
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209: Scripture (Or, that book that isn’t just for collecting dust)

In this episode of our conversation on the spiritual disciplines Dan and Mike discuss the Scriptures. They talk about why they still read them and a whole bunch of other cool stuff. ...
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207: “Just Me and Jesus” …STAHP IT!

Just in case you thought the discipline of silence freed you up to embrace the idea of "Just me and Jesus," that has pervaded American Evangelicalism for some time, you're wrong. Dan and Mike dive in and talk about the necessity of community.  Connect with Dan on Twitter: @danielmroseConnect with Mike on Twitter: @revmikeumc ...
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206: The Sounds of Silence

Dan and Mike continue their conversations about spiritual disciplines with a conversation about "silence." Dan confesses some stuff. It's gets a little personal.  Also, they forgot the "what are you reading segment." Why? Who knows. Dan didn't have enough coffee probably. 9 am is early.  Connect with Dan on Twitter: @danielmroseConnect with Mike on Twitter: @revmikeumc ...
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